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Formulation & Delivery UK 2024

We have a lot to show you...

Join our team of experts and adjuvant leaders as we exhibit and present at Formulation & Delivery UK. We invite you to visit us at stand #11!

What, where, and when?

  • What: Formulation & Delivery UK
  • Where: Stand #11, Novotel London West, Hammersmith International Centre
  • When: 25 - 26 April 2024


Download exclusive literature and register for access to our presentations HERE  

Meet with us and discover:

  • Our range of high purity excipients for pharmaceutical formulation
  • Our growing portfolio of solutions for biologics and bioprocessing
  • Our innovative lipid-based products and services through Avanti Polar Lipids
  • Virodex™: our novel solution to the Triton™ X-100 ban

Attend our talks:

Meet the Croda Pharma team at Formulation and Delivery UK

Lipid Nanoparticles: Beyond the Classical Approach

April 25th 09:40, mRNA Discovery Track

Soehnke Voss, recognised industry expert and Business Development Manager, Nucleic Acid Delivery, will be discussing our Lipid Technology offering.

This talk will explore  how we can help address current market challenges with solutions from our world-leading lipid portfolio and expertise.
Join Croda Pharma at Formulation and Delivery for our expert talks

Detergents for Biopharmaceutical Applications: Past, Present & Future

April 25th 12:20, Advanced Biologics Drug Delivery track

James Humphrey, recognised industry expert and Research & Technology expert, will be discussing detergents for pharmaceutical applications. 

This talk will explore detergents: their historical use, regulatory challenges, and emerging alternatives to recently banned products.


Virodex™ TXR-1

Virodex™ TXR-1 is a readily biodegradable, nonionic surfactant for viral inactivation and cell lysis, meeting the needs of biopharmaceutical applications as an effective and safe replacement for the...


Tween™ 20 HP LSA

Saturated free fatty acids have been associated with the formation of visible and sub-visible particles in cases where hydrolytic degradation of polysorbate 20 occurs. Tween™ 20 HP LSA is a highly...


Super Refined™ PEG 400

The Super Refined PEG range is a series of Super Refined polyethylene glycols, offering pharmaceutical formulators highly purified hydrophilic excipients that can enhance active and formulation...

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Supporting Literature

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Virodex™ TXR-1 and TXR-2: Safe and effective viral inactivation and cell lysis

cover of virodex brochure

Super Refined™ polysorbates for biopharma

image of polysorbates brochure

Avanti's range of innovative lipids

Super Refined excipients for parenteral drug delivery

Super refined excipients for parenteral drug delivery brochure

Pharma excipients for ophthalic formulations

pharmaceutical excipients for opthalmic formulations brochure

Addressing the challenges of vaccine formulation

Addressing the challenges of vaccine formulation brochure by Croda Pharma

Super refined excipients for oral

Super Refined Excipients for Oral Drug Delivery Brochure Croda Pharma

Your pharma solutions partner

image in circle of people working in a lab

High purity excipients

Optimising the performance of formulations to solve your stability and solubility challenges
Image of test tubes and vials

Vaccine adjuvants

Committed to the highest standards, with 80+ years in expertise in adjuvant research and development
circular icon of a chemical manufacturing plant

Innovative lipids

Enabling the delivery and stability of nucleic acid-based vaccines, therapeutics and gene editing technology