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Pharma - Consumer Health


PureMax is a seal of quality, which guarantees confidence in your nutritional purchase. The values below explain more about the core beliefs that the PureMax brand represents.

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Omega 3

Omega 3 fatty acids EPA and DHA have clinically proven health benefits for a number of health conditions. Discover more about the impact of these fatty acids during pregnancy for both mother and baby's growing requirements, plus the benefits for all the family for heart, eye and brain health.

The key Omega 3 fatty acid components are EPA and DHA, which have clinically proven health benefits for a number of health conditions. There are different types of Omega 3 Fatty Acids but two are proven to provide health benefits. The European Food Standards Agency (EFSA) recommends that you consume 250mg of EPA and DHA a day to maintain general health and wellbeing. This equates to approximately two portions of poached, baked or grilled oily fish each week. For people who do not like fish, Omega 3 supplement capsules provide an excellent alternative.

PureMax is a seal of quality, which gives confidence in your nutritional purchase. The PureMax values guarantee responsible sourcing and supply, high purity and potency, high quality and proven scientific benefits, an added bonus is a purified concentrate that gives you all the goodness of fish but without the taste and smell.

PureMax capsules contain only fish oil of the highest purity standards, so you don’t have to worry about marine pollutants. The labels on supplement bottles will tell you how much EPA and DHA they contain, so make sure you choose a supplement with high levels of these key fatty acids.


Concentrated purity

The health benefits of Omega 3 are well recognised and the PureMax brand provides consumers with the confidence that the fish oil that delivers the Omega 3 content is of a very high-quality. PureMax technology can selectively concentrate the beneficial fatty acids EPA and DHA contained in fish oil and remove contaminants, like dioxins or mercury, which are highly undesirable in food and dietary supplement products. PureMax technology can also control and minimise the presence of oxidative impurities, which are normally responsible for the unpleasant odour and after-taste often associated with Omega 3 fish oil products.

PureMax fish oils are manufactured under a stringent quality system in a UK-based production plant which operates in accordance with pharmaceutical standards. This means that every single batch is tested against all the specification parameters, providing full confidence to consumers in the quality and purity of the Omega 3 fish oil.

Benefits of Puremax™

The benefits of Omega 3 are becoming increasingly well known, with over 20,000 scientific studies published to date. The efficacy and safety of all PureMax™ EPA and DHA concentrates has been extensively demonstrated in human clinical trials. Studies have been conducted across universities and research centres globally and cover a broad spectrum of conditions from heart disease to maternal nutrition.

High potency

The industry-leading manufacturing process used to produce PureMax oils ensures that only the highest quality, concentrated Omega 3 reaches your shopping basket. All PureMax products are at least double the strength of standard 18/12 oils. Whilst minimising impurities, PureMax also selectively concentrates the important EPA and/or DHA fatty acids to provide a high potency source of Omega 3. This enables you to enjoy the benefits of Omega 3 in a convenient ‘one a day’ supplement.

High purity

Purity has always been at the heart of the PureMax brand. PureMax fish oils undergo multiple manufacturing stages to ensure that the levels of pollutants and contaminants within the oil are reduced, leaving some of the purest, safest and most potent Omega 3 concentrates available on the market. All PureMax oils are also fully tested before they reach the consumer, assuring you that you are receiving the highest quality Omega 3.

Safety profile

Concerns regarding the levels of contaminants and pollutants that fish may contain have grown significantly over recent years. Such worries can become even more alarming during pregnancy when you’re advised to avoid or limit consumption of certain types of fish due to potentially increased levels of mercury and other contaminants.


There's nothing more off-putting than taking an Omega 3 supplement which leaves you with fishy burps! Puremax fish oils undergo multiple purification stages to produce concentrated Omega 3 which provides you with all the goodness of fish but without the taste and smell.

Responsible sourcing and supply

Whether you're tucking into a tuna sandwich or taking an Omega 3 supplement, it's important to know that the fish you consume has been caught responsibly. Whenever you see the Puremax seal on a supplement pack, you can rest assured that the fish oil within has been responsibly sourced and supplied.

Quality guaranteed

All Puremax oils are supported by rigorous quality systems so you can be certain that, wherever you see the Puremax seal, the Omega 3 oil within your supplement is of consistent high quality.
Senior couple

Saúde do cérebro

O DHA é vital para a manutenção da função cerebral normal e uma deficiência na dieta está associada a déficits na capacidade de aprendizagem.

Estudos demonstraram que o DHA contribui para a manutenção da função cerebral normal. Outros pesquisadores demonstraram o uso de DHA para ajudar a apoiar o desenvolvimento cognitivo de crianças e o tratamento de distúrbios comportamentais.

A Autoridade Europeia para a Segurança dos Alimentos (EFSA) estabeleceu a sua dosagem diária específica recomendada para o funcionamento normal do cérebro e o efeito benéfico é obtido com uma ingestão diária de 250 mg de DHA.
mother playing with her baby in the bedroom

Saúde pré-natal e do bebê

Durante a gravidez, é muito importante consumir uma dieta balanceada com nutrientes suficientes. Saiba mais sobre como os ácidos graxos ômega 3 podem ajudar a manter o bem-estar de uma futura mamãe e apoiar o crescimento e desenvolvimento de um bebê.

Estudos demonstraram que a ingestão de DHA contribui para o desenvolvimento visual e cerebral normal do feto e bebês até 12 meses de idade.  Uma pesquisa mais ampla também demonstra os benefícios para nascimentos prematuros, peso ao nascer e alergias infantis. 

Diferentes autoridades em todo o mundo (EFSA, ISSFAL, FAO/OMS) estabeleceram recomendações diárias específicas. A recomendação média é uma dosagem diária de 350mg de EPA/DHA, dos quais pelo menos 200-300 mg devem ser DHA.
Father and son or grandfather and grandson together

Saúde do coração

Os ácidos graxos ômega 3 não apenas desempenham um papel importante na prevenção primária de doenças cardiovasculares na população em geral; eles também reduzem o risco de ataques cardíacos fatais ou morte súbita em pessoas que já têm um histórico de doenças cardíacas.

Estudos demonstraram que o EPA contribui para o funcionamento normal do coração, bem como para a manutenção da pressão sanguínea normal e das concentrações de triglicerídeos.  Outra pesquisa também demonstrou os benefícios do EPA no tratamento e prevenção de várias doenças cardíacas.

Diferentes autoridades em todo o mundo (EFSA, FAO, American Heart Association, Australian Heart Foundation) estabeleceram suas recomendações diárias específicas para pessoas que sofrem de doenças cardíacas, triglicerídeos altos, hipertensão e doenças coronárias.  A recomendação é uma dosagem diária de 1 grama a 4 gramas de EPA + DHA, dependendo das diferentes condições.
Happy female pharmacist giving medications to senior male customer

Saúde dos olhos

Os ácidos graxos essenciais ômega 3 são importantes em todos os estágios e idades, desde o desenvolvimento da visão em bebês até manter seus olhos funcionando bem conforme você envelhece.

Estudos demonstraram que a ingestão de DHA contribui para a manutenção da visão normal. Outra pesquisa mostrou que o uso de óleo de peixe rico em DHA pode ser eficaz no tratamento de várias doenças oculares.

A Autoridade Europeia para a Segurança dos Alimentos (EFSA) estabeleceu a sua dosagem diária específica recomendada de DHA para a manutenção da visão normal e o efeito benéfico é obtido com uma ingestão diária de 250 mg de DHA.

Descubra mais sobre os benefícios do DHA para a saúde ocular na Organização Global para EPA e DHA (GOED).
Saúde dos olhos na Organização Global para EPA e DHA (GOED)

Effects of n-3 long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids on maternal nutrition: review of published trials

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Effects of n-3 long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids on cognitive health in child development

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Effects of n-3 long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids on eye health: review of published trials

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